Say Hello To Roxanne Evans, Tara Leaver, & Tara Wagner!


Today is the last week of my blog series introducing the teachers of 21 SECRETS Spring! 21 SECRETS Spring will be released to the world on Tuesday, April 1st as a brand new 177 page eBook! I can’t wait!

To check out the past teachers I introduced please go HERE!

Shortly after Roxanne Evans said yes to my invitation to join 21 SECRETS Spring a former 21 SECRETS teacher and I were chatting and out of the blue she suggested that I consider inviting Roxanne to teach.  Something about that really felt special to me.  Like the Universe wanted to make sure that no-matter what, Roxanne would be joining us!  And it’s no surprise.  Roxanne’s work is absolutely delicious.  The best way to describe it is natural, organic, textural, and I’ll say it again: delicious.  You just want to reach out and touch her art work and hold it close for awhile!  She is so talented at marrying mixed media and nature together and she does it with such a generous, open heart.  I’m so proud that Roxanne is sharing her goodness in her There Is A Place workshop this Spring.

Read Roxanne’s official bio HERE and check out her website HERE.

When I think of Tara Leaver I think of blue calm skies, deep ocean waters, and fluidity.  Maybe it’s because of all the gorgeous beach scenes she posts frequently on her Instagram feed, or maybe it’s because her paintings always express this deep sense of tranquility and peace to them.  But Tara’s art work expresses her Spirit so effortlessly and boldly.  And what I love, love, LOOOOVE about Tara is that she is always stretching herself creatively and looking for new ways to grow and be authentic in her expression.  What more could you ask for from a teacher!?  What a pure joy it is that Tara is sharing her workshop A Way With Words with us this Spring!

Visit Tara HERE at her website and read her official bio HERE.

Last year Tara Wagner started opening up her art journal and sharing it publicly on Instagram and I knew immediately that I wanted to invite her to 21 SECRETS.  Tara uses her art journal as a way of going deeper into herself.  I so admire her honesty and raw vulnerability that she pours into her work.  Plus Tara is a coach devoted to helping women go deeper into their own heart space.  She gets women out of their heads and into their hearts.  Imagine what she’ll do for us with paintbrush in hand!  I’m so looking forward to journeying with Tara in her workshop Self-Discovery Beyond Words.

Read Tara’s official bio HERE and visit her website HERE.

21 SECRETS will be released April 1st!

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