Stay In The Flow


Today I kept trying to write a goddamn inspiring blog post.

It started out well, & then it lost punch.  So I did the usual.

Stop.  Make tea. Eat chocolate. I even took a shower.

And when I came back to the laptop–nothing.

So I shut it down & went to the park with Hansel & Phoenix instead.

I sat on a picnic table under a blooming palo verde.

I listened to birds sing, bees buzz, & the occasional airplane go over.

And I sketched what I saw.

And when that started to fall short.  I sketched what I felt.

This is the direction I’m aiming for completely.  More art.  More nature.  More living freely.

This sketch alone is a 100 x more inspiring than any blog post I could squeeze out after a good figtht.

All you need to remember is to stay in the flow Connie.

Stay in the flow.  Things are shifting & changing.

It’s Spring time.

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