Unconditional Devotion


Four years ago, when I left my full-time job to pursue Dirty Footprints Studio full time, I did so with the main intention to follow my Truth.  In other words, deepen my relationship with Spirit.

For me, I honestly navigate my business (and my life) by listening very deeply to what my innate wisdom is guiding me to do.

Lately I’ve been speaking to women who too are committed to deepening their relationship with Spirit and believe they do so through the path of self-employment.

But one of the main things that keeps coming up in these conversations is their disappointment.

Many of the women have expressed to me that they feel they are working from a place connected to Spirit but they’re so upset that their businesses are struggling–registration is low, clients are few.  Because of this they are jumping from one strategy to the next and seeking  “more practical” guidance.

My answer to them is always the same.

If you decide to devote your work to Spirit, you must let go of all expectations.

But…but…but…is it wrong to want to make enough money to survive on?

No, absolutely not.  It’s not wrong/bad to want a thriving business, or 10,000 subscribers to your newsletter, or a packed schedule of clients.  Its not wrong to want those things at all.

But if you are attached to having those things so much so that if you do not receive them that you abandon or doubt your connection to Spirit–than you have lost touch with the real purpose of deepening your connection to Spirit in the first place.

It is in those moments that we are called to go even deeper–to listen more–to take time to be still and not react from fear.  (This is the stuff that they don’t teach you in school, my dears.)

That’s why this path of being devoted to Spirit, in work or in life, is never an easy one.

It requires unconditional Devotion.


That means you stay devoted to the path of connecting to Spirit in good times and bad–when you’re not sure how you’re going to pay the mortgage and when the money is pouring in like Niagara Falls.

For myself, I have been in both places, and I’ve found that each  are equal circumstances to sever my connection to Source.  I’ve laid awake at night worrying how I was going to make ends meet and thinking that navigating my business based on my intuition is a joke.  And I’ve stashed enough money in my savings account to support me for years to come and ceased to be grateful or take time to listen to what is wanted of me next.

Each time I have strayed from the path, Grace has thankfully brought me back.

So when women come to me searching for answers to how to navigate a business connected to Spirit, but are looking for formulas to execute or practical advice to apply–the only thing I know to be true is to pick up a paintbrush, step on a yoga mat, take a walk in the park, or simply sit still–whatever works for you, I say.

The answers are always within.

IGNITE is a five month online journey designed specifically for women to ignite their creative passions and innate gifts into sustainable businesses and heart-centered programs.

We begin July 14th!  Space is still available.

Go HERE for more info.

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