Join Me For A Heart Opening Evening This July


One of the most powerful ways to access our creativity and awaken our innate wisdom is through gentle movement and a gentle approach to art journaling.

On Saturday, July 19th from 5 to 8 PM my dear friend Opal Keen, who is an incredible yoga teacher, and myself will be leading a very nourishing, juicy workshop called HEART OPENING at the Feed Your Soul Yoga Studio in Tempe, Arizona.

Together we are crafting a journey that will guide you through gentle yoga poses, sweet heart meditation, and a beautiful art journaling experience intended to open your heart and help lift the weight of the world so that you can shine like the radiant Soul that you are.

No experience with either yoga or art journaling is required. Simply come with an open mind, a willingness to open your heart, a yoga mat, and an art journal.

For more information and to register, please go HERE.

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