Creativity Softens The Heart


Mr. Phoenix and I created this little collaboration together. Both of us were painting on it at once and it just flowed naturally.

Plus what’s so exciting is that Phoenix has become interested in ripping and gluing paper.  Hence, notice the  little collage action happening?

Though seriously….at times I just get so overwhelmed with joy to simply watch creativity blossom through him and I have to admit that sometimes I honestly can’t believe that this right here is actually my life.

That things can be so peaceful.  So full of ease.

But you see, I spend most of my time at home.  As you know, Dirty Footprints Studio is my only gig and my studio/office is in our little apartment.  The only time I ever really leave is to ride my bike in the morning with Phoenix, to walk my dog, or to go to the store and when I do, I always feel like Siddhartha from the Herman Hesse novel.  I’m always thrown back by how much aggression exists outside our little sanctuary.

From the second I pull out into the street I can feel the energy racing at me and when I’m on my bike especially the energy swirls around me like a fire breathing dragon.  It’s hard for me to believe that I use to navigate through this world day after day after day.

And the crazy thing is that I never noticed it back then.  Never.

I’m not referring to the aggressive drivers (I’ve always been aware of them)…I’m talking about how the world is such an aggressive place — that so many people are moving around with incredible pain and sorrow in their hearts.

But now I see it and most of all, I can feel it.  I can seriously feel that energy and I know how real it is.

That’s why when I look at myself and my family I see how blessed we truly are.  Not because we work from home and spend all our time together.

But rather because we’ve chosen a life devoted to creativity at whatever cost.

I made the decision long, long time ago that I would live as an Artist.  That my creativity would not only be a priority in my life, but that it would be my life.

And believe me, this decision hasn’t always been easy.  There are times I think I’m crazy and times I wondered how I’d ever make ends meet.

But a Creative Life has given me something bigger to live for.

Creativity alone has brought greater meaning to every facet of my life.  It has softened my heart, healed so much pain, and been a stream of constant blessings….like collaborating with my sweet Phoenix.

So when I go out into the world now, it’s with a greater sense of compassion and a deeper understanding of how important my work as an Artist is.

How crucial it is to let other Artists know that we have a real purpose here — to keep up that warrior heart — the Creative Life is always one worth living.

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