Meet Rachel Urista, Veronica Funk, Opal Keen & Connie Hozvicka of 21 Secrets Fall!


From now until October 1st, every Friday here at Dirty Footprints Studio, Hali Karla the new 21 SECRETS Creative Director, is honoring the amazing teachers of 21 SECRETS Fall  by personally introducing each of them to you here! We are certain that you will love these artists as much as we do! Be sure to check out each artist’s links & come join us in 21 SECRETS Fall this October!  To see past teachers in this series just click HERE.

I’ll be honest – I found Rachel Urista’s beautiful journal pages scrolling through a facebook group. Maybe it was the juicy layers, or the way her connection to nature transmits in her imagery, but it just pulled me in and I had to know more about her. Rachel has a background in illustration, design and bio-medical art – but feels she truly found the spirit of her artistic voice  and connection when she discovered mixed media art – and it shows! She exhibits art and offers workshops regularly in her hometown, and she intends to take us on a journey into texture, color and personal symbol interpretation in her workshop, Dream Voyage!

Read Rachel’s official bio HERE and visit her website HERE.

There is an honesty to the bright, abstract, and aboriginally influenced artwork of Veronica Funk that is transmitted straight from her journey in life. Veronica is a Canadian artist represented by  several galleries, who generously shares her insight and what she’s learned as an artist with others. I fell in love with her dedication and style in her 52 weeks series! She paints because it connects her to the beauty she has experienced – a textured, vibrant expression, with the intent of honoring the spirit of the land and people that have touched her creative heart. Her workshop, Connecting with Your Wild Spirit, will both ground AND lift your sense of connection and expression.

Read Veronica’s official bio HERE and check out her website HERE.

AND – you might have heard earlier this week: our dear artist Sheri Ponzi had to step down to tend to her own healing journey (she will be joining us in Spring 2015 instead).

To take her place, we have a real treat for you! Connie Hozvicka herself has teamed up with a yogini and dear friend, Opal Keen, to co-host a workshop called Heart Opening. Together they will guide you through a gentle yoga nidra practice, a sweet heart meditation, and a beautiful art journaling experience intended to open your heart and help lift the weight of the world so that you can shine like the radiant Soul that you are. I can personally attest that this new workshop will soften and center you with grace and joy in your journaling practice and beyond.

Read Connie & Opal’s official bios HERE and check out Opal’s website HERE.

21 Secrets Fall is on sale now!
GO HERE for more info!

You’ve now had the chance to meet all 21 artists teaching in the 21 Secrets Fall 2014 workshop!  Did you miss a week? You can catch up RIGHT HERE!


This beautiful post was written by Hali Karla, the 21 SECRETS Creative Director.

Hali is an artist and writer passionate about cultivating holistic creativity. She enjoys gathering artists, healers and visionaries for collaborations, workshops and circles. Her soulful perspective and background as a nurse offers a meaningful framework for how she guides others, which has been described as nurturing safe space for truth-telling, healing and courageous transformation. Celebrating our wholeness through imagery and presence, she encourages trust in body, nature, and intuitive expression as a way toward vitality and joy. Grounding in her own daily creative practice, you can see her current musings at

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