The Magic Of Mandalas
Published on September 9, 2014
Just last week I was on a plane headed to Cleveland. I brought tons of work with me to do and a book I’ve been dying to read but my heart decided to use this time instead to draw a mandala!
I started drawing mandalas when I was pregnant with Phoenix about three years ago and it’s been a shameless addiction ever since!
There’s something wildly relaxing about creating these symmetrical circles of bliss! And for reasons unknown to me yet, I’ve been obsessed with using only grey tones as well.
Plus, I keep all my mandalas in the same red sketchbook and I draw them totally freehand with my Pitt Pens and Tombow Brush pens.
Though, you wanna know a little secret? When I first received the inspiration to draw mandalas I traced the bottom of my tea kettle on each of the pages so that now I have a perfect circle to start with each and every time. Then all I do is start from the middle and work my way out turning the page as I go!
To take a peek at more of my mandalas please go HERE and be sure to check out my real love — making Earth Mandalas from places like Costa Rica, to Sedona, to right here in Phoenix, Arizona where I live!
And a great big, circular thank you to Andrea Schroeder for including me in her Mandala Blog Hop today! Read below for more information!
The Magic of Mandalas Blog Hop is a radically inspiring sharing circle, with artists from around the globe sharing the stories behind their process of creating mandalas. Our mission: To inspire you to see new possibilities for your own creative practice.
Click HERE to discover new artists, soak up new ideas and fill up on creative inspiration to fuel your creative practice.
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