My Secret Remedy For Getting Unstuck
Published on October 13, 2014
Oh my goodness, it’s been almost two weeks now since my dear friend Selina Barker came for a visit.
I’ve been wanting to share a little from our time together, because in my opinion, Selina is pure magic.
Not only is she a dear friend, she is a sister of mine sacredly. We met years ago online through our mutual friend and mentor Barbara Winter — and a loving friendship has grown ever since.
This is the second time Selina has come for a visit actually — the first time was when Phoenix was still a teeny tiny baby.
Selina was nursing a sprained ankle while she was here (hence the rockin’ boot in the photo above!) which made it perfect for us to slow down and spend lots of time just chatting and enjoying being in each other’s presence.
What I love about our friendship is that we are so eager to help each other grow spiritually, creatively, and professionally.
Most of the time we discussed our creative endeavors and our dreams and Selina has this great way of reminding me how important self care is to keeping everything sustainable and juicy. When my ambition takes the best of me, she’ll lasso me in softly and help me simplify! simplify! simplify!
(Thank you Selina!!)
I know that alot of my readers here at Dirty Footprints Studio are navigating that crazy transitional place in life — where you know without a doubt that the work you are doing no longer feeds your Soul — but your uncertainty can feel incredibly daunting.
Selina is such an alchemist when it comes to turning confusion into clarity.
She has this wise way of listening and asking just the right questions that will poke your courage and inspire your heart to take action. I know because she’s the first person I always turn to myself when I’m in that place of “what the hell I’m suppose to be doing?!?!”
And what I admire TREMENDOUSLY about Selina is that she’s not one of those coaches that’s constantly breathing down your neck. Heck, she barely keeps an online presence at all –I love, love, LOVE how she has created a sustainable business by being true to who she is and relying completely on word–of–mouth marketing. (Remember that “strategy”?!?)
Yep, she has no idea that I’m lovingly plugging her right now even! But I’m doing this because I think maybe — just maybe someone is reading this who feels stuck professionally and unsure what to do about it — and well, I’d like to share my secret remedy for unstucking myself as well: Selina Barker!!
Don’t leave yet! Be sure to check out an interview I did with Selina HERE when she was traveling England in a camper van and another inspiring one we did HERE about making dreams come to life and you can check out a big FEARLESS® Painting collaboration we did together a couple years ago HERE. FUN! FUN! FUN!
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