Look Who’s Joining Us For 21 SECRETS Spring!!
Published on November 17, 2014
Today we officially announce the new amazing line up of teachers and workshops for 21 SECRETS Spring 2015!! And to top it off we are offering a pretty sweet discount to the first 450 buyers that pre-order their eBook between now and April 1, 2015 as well. But I’ll let you in on a little secret, the cheapest discounts prices tend to sell out by the end of the first day — so get em’ while they’re hot, sweet lovelies!
And I gotta say that this 21 SECRETS Spring is just the right tincture of technique building and soulful processes — I think you’re gonna fall in love with these teachers as much as I am already!
So CLICK HERE to take a peek at who’s joining us for 21 SECRETS Spring 2015 and what magic they’ll be sharing!!!
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