Creativity Has No Limits


Last night, while I was walking my dog under the beautiful moon, I thought about an old episode of No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain I saw years ago. In this episode Anthony visited Haiti right after the horrible earthquake of 2010 that left the country in great disaster and despair.

What stood out most to me about this episode is when he visits these young men who were collecting debris from the earthquake and transforming it into art.

They had lost everything, including loved ones and their homes.  But they still gathered the resources and energy to create.

I think of those men anytime I start to complain or doubt my own creative process or worry if my self expression is “good enough”.  I always wonder — would I have the same inner strength to create when literally my whole world has crumbled around me?

The truth is all of us, at one time or another, experiences disaster and despair in our own lives, in our own way.  Heartache, loss, fear, and uncertainty are a part of this human existence.

But Creativity is a master shape shifter.  At times it is like a wise elder that holds your hand and whispers soothing words.  At other times it comes into our lives like a wild animal and stirs our hearts in new directions.  Through the years I have seen so many faces that Creativity wears, and the one thing I know for certain is that it heals everything and everyone it touches.

Creativity possesses the essence of courage and the nectar of compassion.

That is why  Creativity has the guts to go into the ruins left by earthquakes or the gentleness to sit  cozy among old friends at a wobbly kitchen table.  It is the spark that brings joy to children in orphanages and the grounding force for the wealthy with much.  Creativity has no limits to where it will go — as long as there is a warm body willing to receive it.

The Creative Circles Guidebook was created with the intention to empower artists with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to gather others together around Creativity.  I know how easy it can be when you’ve never done something before to slip into doubt and start to worry if you are doing things right.

With the help of my dear friends Chris Zydel, Lisa Sonora, Heather Plett, and Elizabeth Potts Weinstein we cover everything you would ever need to know to get your creative circle up and running.   From the practical guidelines to holding sacred space, to what to look for in a gathering space, to even the legal smegal aspect of holding creative circles as part of your business — we cover it all and then some, so that you can host your creative circle feeling prepared and confident.

The Creative Circles Guidebook is a great resource to have in your tool box as a fellow steward of Creativity, and for the month of January you can purchase the Creative Circles Guidebook at a 30% discount.  CLICK HERE to learn more.

Last, I also wanted to warmly mention that you have until this Saturday to sign up for the IGNITE Online Intensive using the payment plan of 8 payments with no service fee!

Starting January 10th the price of the payments will go up as the number of payments shortens.  Plus there will be a small added service fee.

This program is filling up fast and I am just delighted by the women who are answering the call to be powerful stewards of Creativity as well!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and email me with any questions you might have about IGNITE.

I’d love to hear from you.

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