21 SECRETS Conversations with Roxanne Coble


Today we kick off a new season of 21 SECRETS Conversations with Roxanne Coble!

21 SECRETS Conversations is a weekly series that comes out every Wednesday where I ask one of my 21 SECRETS teachers:

What has your journey as an artist been like?

Today Roxanne Coble is our special guest!

Roxanne Coble is an L.A. bred mixed media artist and illustrator.  She graduated from UCLA with a BA in Art History and a passion for the creative. Known for her altered book journals, her work focuses on a combination of mundane imagery and illustrated fragments. Inspired by the quirks of everyday life, completed journal pages embrace both humor and emotion – all while exploring topical events that occur within her personal life. Currently, Roxanne is working towards her MFA and single subject credential to teach art.

Roxanne is teaching Fragments & Mysteries in 21 SECRETS Spring that is on sale now and comes out April 1st!

Check out our conversation!

[vc_video link=’https://player.vimeo.com/video/117208023′]

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