Take A Peek :: Episode 1
Published on March 30, 2015
Welcome to the first episode of Take A Peek art journaling series!
Each day I’ll be sharing a video where I flip through a journal or two and share with you my thoughts and process behind them. Altogether you’ll peek inside 12 journals over 10 week days! Fun! Fun!
As I share with you in the video (located at the bottom), I received this AMAZING journal as a gift way back around 1995! I didn’t start painting in it until around 2002 / 2003. In the video I say 2006 — but just ignore me!! After I thought about this journal for awhile I realized that it was much earlier than that.
(Time is obviously not my strong point! I don’t even own a watch!)
Also in the video I point out that many of the spreads are part of my Art Journal LOVE series.
You can check those babies out by CLICKING HERE.
I also share with you how the journal spread from the photo above was my “demo” piece I created during my Creative Dig Workshop I hosted in Cleveland, Ohio in 2009.
The photo above here was created as part of my very first online workshop I ever hosted! It was called Art Journal Love Letters. It came out in 2009 and was on sale for a couple years before I took it down. Since then all of the videos have literally vanished.
Right around 6:05 in the video you will come to the spread above and I am not able to think of who exactly the artist is that painted the little piece in this spread.
Well, it’s Alice Neel of course.
(Once I finished up the video it totally came to me.)
Alice Neel is one of my all time favorite painters. How could I forget her?!
Now here’s Episode 1 of Take A Peek! Enjoy!
[vc_video link=’https://player.vimeo.com/video/123378819′]
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