I Am Not Lost, But Now I’m Found
Published on July 15, 2015
Every now and then I transition through a phase where I question what’s the point — why am I doing this — and the worst one that crawls across my mind is “should” I be doing this. “This” being art-creativity-painting–basically everything I built my life upon. I stumbled upon this course right while treading water through the deepest part of this phase.
Beautifully it was the medicine I needed to remind myself why I create and help shed some old scales around my creativity.
Today, on the final day, I found myself with a burning need to start painting again — to pick up the brush and land where I left off. Like I said at the beginning of this journey, I am not lost — but it’s funny how coming back to my studio after a little break, I always feel like I’ve found myself again.
I am exploring photography & vulnerability for 10 days with the artist Henry Lohmeyer in Wide Open.
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