#21emBODY | ARMS
Published on March 12, 2017
I woke up this morning and felt like painting today’s #21emBODY invitation: Arms on Facebook Live!
Yep. Just total impromptu decision.
Thanks for all the lovey doves that joined me! You can watch the recording below.
And, be sure to follow Dirty Footprints Studio on Facebook and Instagram if you want to know if I decide to do such a last minute, crazy thing again!
Happy Painting Everyone!
Welcome to Day 7 of 21 Days of emBODY. Today’s invitation is the ARMS. I hope that this painting challenge inspires you to spend a little time with this magnificent gift we each have — our body.
CLICK HERE for more info on how to paint along! (It’s FREE!)
CLICK HERE to see some of the work being created with hashtag #21emBODY.
CLICK HERE to preorder your copy of 21 SECRETS emBODY that comes out March 27th!
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