#21emBODY | TOES
Published on March 16, 2017
In my junior year of high school, my friend Becky and I went one Summer to see the Grateful Dead play. This was two years before Jerry Garcia had died and during a total hippie dippie phase of my life.
We got up super early and drove for hours to arrive 2 miles from the concert site stuck in bumper-to-bumper stand still traffic, lined up in the middle of farms and corn fields. On top of that, it was storming like crazy and neither one of us packed a jacket or raincoat or sensible shoes. What’s that?
Deadheads were abandoning their cars and VW buses on the side of road and hiking in the rain to the concert. They’d stop from car to car, selling jewelry, pot, and bootlegged music.
With a sparkle in our eyes, Becky and I decided to do the same — walk to the concert, that is.
All I had on was a tiny little hippie dress, an amethyst beaded necklace, and cheap ass sandals.
About ten minutes into our walk my right sandal completely got stuck in the mud and the strap between by first two toes broke. I was forced to walk barefoot the rest of the way.
Due to the rain and the fact that the concert was on a farm somewhere in middle Ohio, we only got to see maybe ten or fifteen minutes of the Grateful Dead perform.
But the thing I remember most is how the mud oozed between my toes as we walked to the concert. Sometimes I’d have to stop and flick out a little rock that would lodged itself in between my toes.
It’s kind of crazy, but I can wiggle my toes right now, and that memory of that cold, wet, earth mushing between my toes comes rushing back. It’s like I can still feel it. Now, almost 25 years later.
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Welcome to Day 11 of 21 Days of emBODY. Today’s invitation is TOES. I hope that this painting challenge inspires you to spend a little time with this magnificent gift we each have — our body.
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