101 Word Paintings Coming Right Up

101 Word Paintings

2017  was a tough year.  I faced many uncomfortable realities I’ve been skirting around and brushed away cobwebs that I kept pretending were safety nets.

Then December arrived and I looked around my studio to only notice a half neglected painting practice that’s been desperately trying to grab my attention.

I’m happy to say that January has blessed me with a robust creative energy and I’ve been making up for lost time in the studio by painting like a wild woman!

So starting Monday, January 29th, I’m breaking my secrecy and will start sharing my journey through a series of 101 paintings here on my blog, on Instagram, and also on Facebook .

If you want to get exact and all up in the details — they’re “word paintings” — but I’ll explain more about that later.

Anyway you look at it, it’s all good yummy stuff and I hope it will inspire you to deepen your creative practice and remind you of what is valuable and most true to you. (Actually that’s what I’m hoping for myself as well with this series — wink! wink!)

So please be sure to sign up below to receive my blog posts in your inbox and  I’ll love you like a mango if you follow me on Instagram too.

Also — there are still two lonely spaces available to join me for Paint FEARLESS Mexico in November!

The last day for the Early Bird Discount is this Wednesday, January 31st.  If you’re yearning to Paint FEARLESS and welcome a little adventure into your life this year then hop, skip, and skedaddle OVER HERE to learn more.

And as always, I thank you for your support, your readership, and most especially your beautiful friendship.

Happy Painting!

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