#21DaysInMyArtworld :: Favorite Painting


This post is inspired by Tara Leaver’s #21daysinmyartworld invitation:  Day 1: Favorite Painting.

In my early 20s I applied for a job to be a personal art handler on a yacht. Basically the job description was sail around the world and rotate the owner’s amazing art collection on a weekly basis.

Ahh, hello dream job.

Unfortunately I never got the position.

But I did receive one thing — the idea that art is meant to be rotated & lived with — not just hung on a wall collecting dust indefinitely.

I’ve been rotating the art in my own home and studio ever since those bozos lost a great art handler.

Yep. Every few months I’ll go through my storage room and ask who wants to come out and get some fresh air. What ends up happening every time is that those paintings become my new favorite paintings!

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of them…

This mixed media piece on paper was created about a year ago today when I was in Oaxaca, Mexico teaching my Paint FEARLESS Mexico retreats.

It totally embodies how I feel in Oaxaca – a bit overwhelmed from all the colors, textures, patterns, sounds, and smells stirred into a whole lot of happiness!

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