#21DaysInMyArtWorld :: Turning Point


This January I’m playing along in Tara Leaver’s #21DaysInMyArtWorld challenge over on Instagram.  And just for fun I’m posting my photos and musings here on the blog as well. Today’s prompt is: Turning Point.

CLICK HERE to check out the series so far!

I still got a couple of prompts left till I’m officially caught up with #21DaysInMyArtWorld hosted by Tara Leaver and I wanted to take a second And say thank you to Tara for putting this challenge together. ⠀

I excused myself from social media during the month of December and didn’t feel any motivation to jump back in.

#21DaysInMyArtWorld has been so helpful to get my social media juices flowing and most of all it has been so inspiring to see everyone’s musings in the collective each day. This challenge reminded me why I love Instagram so much — thank you Tara!⠀

The prompt I’m sharing here is “Turning Point” and I got lots of those. LOTS! So many that my initial P for my middle name stands for Pivot. Yep. (I bet you thought it was Painting, didn’t you!?!)⠀

Painting for me is all about self realization. I’m always coming to it with an intention or question or some kind of inner turmoil that needs examining and what I love about this practice is that many times it’s not the painting itself that brings forth clarity or insight — but rather it’s the act of painting that prompts my big a-ha’s and  turning points to occur. ⠀

I created this painting in January of 2016 while I was on my own little private painting retreat by my lonesome! It was a turning point in my style for certain, but it was mostly a turning point in my life long relationship to painting.

I love this panting so much and maybe that’s why I lack the words to explain how it was one of the greatest turning points in my own personal painting practice. ⠀

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