We’ll Be Closing Up Shop Soon!


Hey Friends!!! As some of you may already know –for the last seven years I have hosted a year long mentoring program for women artists called IGNITE. In IGNITE we focus on getting clear on what your unique gifts are as an artist and learn tools and methods to powerfully share those gifts in the world through workshops, retreats, etc.

This year my lovely graduates and I have put together a beautiful FREE downloadable eBook of 11 mini-workshops.

IGNITE does NOT create cookie cutter kind of artists  so each workshop is a unique one-of-a-kind creative experience. You’re going to love it!

And I’ll mention it again — it’s totally FREE!

But we’ll be closing up shop soon — so come download your IGNITE Spotlight eBook TODAY!

[button size=” style=” text=’CLICK HERE For More Info’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://conniesolera.com/ignite-spotlight’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

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