21 SECRETS Spotlight :: Artist Nichole Rae


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Every Wednesday at Dirty Footprints Studio Tonia Jenny, the 21 SECRETS Creative Director & Course Manager,  is interviewing one of the talented teachers in our program.  Be sure to sign up for blog notifications below to never miss a spotlight — and CLICK HERE to check out past interviews. 

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Hello Amazing Artist!

This week, our Spotlight Artist is Artist Nichole Rae. I first became familiar with Nichole’s very-cool and somewhat atypical art-journaling process through her book Art Journal Art Journey: Collage and Storytelling for Honoring Your Creative Process. She has a powerful way of curating the moments of her life. Her process has evolved over the years, as you’ll read below, and it’s wonderful to have her 21 SECRETS Paper, Glue, Scissors workshop— A Practice of I AM Affirmation – An Art-Journaling Card Deck — as part of this fall lineup! Enjoy this peek into more of Artist Nichole Rae’s philosophy.

How have your creative pursuits morphed or changed over the years?

Over the years, I have found that “HOW” I show up to my creative journaling processes has evolved. I have begun to simplify how many supplies I have on my table and how I meet the blank pages. 
Fifteen years ago, I worked at a large table pilled high with papers, supplies etc., and I would often spend my time looking for where my glue stick or scissors went. The pages I would create in my books would be laid out before and then glued down. Today I have small baskets that hold a few of my supplies and rest in a bookcase when I am not using them. I have started to come home to my childlike creative process of applying glue to paper, placing it down on the page and allowing the page to evolve as I go. This “wildly collaging” approach is very freeing to me now. It has taken time to allow myself to see how either way, I meet my creative practice and even on the days I do not, I AM still “creating what I most need to find.” 
I AM practicing positive affirmations when it comes to the negative voice that can often make me feel separate from my creative work. I AM learning how to practice in my own practice and now I share my creative practices with others through workshops and online guides. Each of us is evolving. What we are doing now and what we will do in the future will all be a bit different. Each “doing” is a building block in your creative foundation. 

How are the things you value most in life reflected in what create?

I collect and document my journey through mixed-media book arts through art journaling. I value capturing moments of life through the lens of a camera, journaling and collecting “little bits” of papers and ephemera along the way. I value the journey we are each on. My creative practice has allowed me to stay close to my creative spirit, along the way cultivating what makes my heart beat and I AM able to see how far I have come. 
Each page created is the “work” that can never be taken from me. This practice allows me to reflect on how positive affirmations and creative practices have brought healing and inspiration and guidance into my life. 

Is there a “secret message” you often want your work to convey?

Embrace being a beginner. PRACTICE. Meet everything you do in your life as if you are practicing. For me, to practice means to go towards all I do in my life with love. This love carries space and in this space is inspiration, healing and guidance. I AM passionate about helping others create space and to go towards their vision using creative art journaling and affirmation practices. I AM here to guide you to be your own creative guide and for you to know you are exactly where you need to be and everything you need is within you. 

What is the one thing you hope we remember from your workshop?

The words I AM… and all the positive words that you can add behind them to affirm the truth in you. I invite you to practice with me, speak out-loud: “I AM creating what I most need to find.” 

What is your life mantra?

“Create what YOU most need to find.” 

I feel more empowered already, don’t you? I think we can also all relate to a longing to return to childlike wildness and wonder and Nichole’s outlook on life seems to joyfully find that direction.

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About Artist Nichole Rae

Artist Nichole Rae is a creative guide. She carries the Art of Daily Practice, a creative healing arts practice to inspire your creative spirit and cultivate the connection to your present self though a collection of art journaling + affirmation practices. Artist Nichole Rae is here to begin with you and guide you through practices that create space, bring inspiration, healing and guidance to your life. Her creative journaling and affirmation practices have been inspired by her own creative practice and studies in the A Course Of Miracles work. Nichole has been creating since she was young and has over 20 years in mixed media book arts and art journaling. Nichole leads workshops, 1:1 sessions and carries a collection of creative tools for you to practice with her. Nichole has been part of the North Dakota Today Show, had her works published in many local and national magazines and is the author of the book Art Journal Art Journey, Collage + Storytelling to Honor Ones Creative Process. Nichole’s intention in her work is for you to “Create What You Most Need To Find” and go forth together into a creative daily practice.


About Artist Nichole Rae’s Workshop:
A Practice of I AM Affirmation – An Art-Journaling Card Deck

Unfold into A Practice of Affirmation with Artist Nichole Rae and create your own unique I AM affirmation card deck using creative art-journaling and affirmation practices. This card deck can be used as part of a daily practice to inspire your creative spirit and connect you with your present self. Nichole will share her signature art-journaling practice, all her favorite supplies and guide you through a step-by-step process to make your own affirmation deck. Nichole will share guidance on how to go forth cultivating a creative daily practice to carry with you.

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