Artist Spotlight :: Denise Daffara
Published on April 25, 2019
Welcome! Every Tuesday and Thursday Tonia Jenny, the 21 SECRETS Creative Director & Course Manager, interviews one of the talented teachers in our 21 SECRETS program for an Artist Spotlight.
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Hello Creative Being!
Denise Daffara is today’s Spotlight Artist and I have to tell you, I find her 21 SECRETS Face Time lesson, In Your Eyes, incredibly loving and nurturing and I hope you find it to be the same. By the way, I’m now a devoted @lovelittledd follower, too. Enjoy getting to know more about Denise here, as I did! :
What is your earliest memory of a creative activity you enjoyed?
I remember I totally LOVED coloring in as a child. When new packets of crayons or felt pens came my way, I was in my own little heaven. I made many of the classic little drawings of the house, the sun in the left corner and an apple tree to the right of the house and big daisies in the garden. 🙂
Is there a certain new-to-you material that you just can’t get enough of?
I’m quite new to inks! Daler Rowney inks on watercolor paper are delighting me more than words can say right now. The way they create play . . . and when water is added . . . and the blending of some colors . . . . It’s like nothing I’ve ever done before. They invite me to let go of control, which I need to be invited to! lol

What do you wish you gave yourself more time to explore?
I would like to give myself more time to explore new large works and get brave about it; releasing expectation of them being perfect or right the first time. I have some ideas in my head and they want to be explored.
What is the one thing you hope we remember from your workshop?
To give some moments to attending to yourself when you’re in pain—either free writing in your journal or art journaling—and look into your own eyes with love because this can be a deeply supportive action.

Where will you be and what will you be doing five years from now?
I will still be painting in Australia—nearer the sea is always my wish—and I would be delighted to have the little character I draw, Little DD, writing books, sharing and being the emissary of light that she came to be in the world.
Oh my gosh, reading Denise’s description of the drawing she created as a young girl—house, sun in the corner, tree on one side . . .
made those same drawings and I bet many of you did, too! Thanks, Denise for bringing back to life that memory and also for your generous desire to help us all heal from our pain with such a lovely process.
About Denise

Denise is an artist, soulful seeker, wild wonderer, deep listener, sacred space holder, Creativitea-Time inspirer, an intentional creativity guide and certified Color of Woman teacher. Her passion is to connect with others in ways that leave both feeling nurtured, energized, validated, and liberated.
One way she does this is by encouraging Creativitea Time: a space and practice where playfulness, courage and creativity meet radical self-acceptance for tea. She has found art journaling, intentional creativity and painting to be self-healing and extremely helpful for her in her personal quest—especially through times of grief, depression and awakenings. Denise loves to uplift and support others by sharing her experiences and discoveries, and to inspire others to creatively express and lovingly nurture themselves.
Denise Teaches In Your Eyes – A Space for Grace In 21 SECRETS Face Time
At times we are all faced with a trauma or other life experience that asks us to pause for a moment as an act of self-love and healing. This lesson encourages you to take a range of ‘selfies’ showing your emotions or feelings around the topic you’re experiencing. I will have you print out one that you would like to connect with a bit more and then, I will guide you through a process of painting her and encourage a dialogue with the image to see what arises.
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