Summer Studio Self-Guided eBooks Now Available

21 secrets summer studio 2019

Did you miss out on 21 SECRETS Summer Studios this year? Well, no fear!

Today the 21 SECRETS Summer Studio programs are available as self-guided eBooks that you can refer to all year long.

Our motto at the Summer Studios is:


Not only do these Summer Studio lessons make sense all year round, they are compact to fit any busy lifestyle. Each mini-lessons consists of three videos totaling no more than 35 minutes tops:

1.) Introduction.
2.) Instruction.
3.) Additional information.

But don’t let the smaller size fool you — these lessons pack a punch!

Each 21 SECRETS teacher mindfully introduces you to one of her favorite techniques or approaches that you can apply and practice in multiple ways.

As always, the videos in 21 SECRETS Summer Studio are yours to download and keep — work on it at your own perfect pace.

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