Communion. Confession. Confirmation.


Last year, one of the most powerful things I did for myself was create a funeral for the parts of myself I was letting go of.

I didn’t make a big ordeal about it.
Didn’t light any candles.
Didn’t bother to dress up or include anyone else in my ceremony.

For the most part I kept it private — except for what I shared here on my blog of course.

To be truthful, Hansel and Phoenix didn’t even know what I was up to as I sat crossed legged on the blessed Earth in Sedona FEARLESS® Painting.

But I knew.  I even planned it.

FEARLESS® Painting helped mark a rite of passage I much needed to go through.

And ever since, I’ve been thinking a lot about how important it is to have ceremony and rites of passages in our life.


I grew up going to Catholic School.  I wore the veil and the white dress at my first Communion.  I sat through evening classes with my sponsor for my Confirmation.  I even remember my first confession which scared the living hell out of me!

Back then I didn’t fully understand why these rites of passages were important — you just did it because that’s what the teachers and priest told us you did at that grade level.

But when you strip those ceremonies down to their barest essence:


I can see how these three essences still play a huge part in my own rites of passages as an adult.


This FEARLESS® Painting that I’m working on now definitely feels like a communion.

I am saying yes to a new path.

Yes to  faith.  Yes to believing in a larger wisdom than myself.  Yes to God.  Yes to Goddess.  Yes to LOVE.  Yes to not knowing but trusting. Yes to being in the moment.  Yes to unfolding and unfolding and unfolding.  Yes to growing and expanding. Yes to moving forward.  Yes to changing color / changing form / changing perspective.  Yes to believing. Yes to focus. Yes to growing wings and standing in the storm. Yes to every shade of blue.  Yes to letting go.

Yes to life.

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