


I spent last weekend on a beautiful retreat with some friends, on an island in the Pacific Northwest.

The same sacred space I visited last year as well.

This time, it was still transformative.  But different.

I can see that reflected in the land art that I made while I was there.

The piece in the photos above I call Offering.  All that I have of it is the photos in this blog post.

The piece below shown on the creme cloth is what I brought home with me. Intuitively I gathered the shells and the driftwood that made a perfect base.  It now sits on my altar in my studio.  A Confirmation is what I call it.


Last year I made land art that I left behind too.  I called it Buried.  It’s the one shown in the photos directly below.

Below that photo is the land art I took home with me that time.  This piece I called Alignment and it too sat on my altar in my studio for most of last year.

Buried Collagelast year

When I look at these pieces altogether now, it’s obvious to me of the natural progression that has happened.

I love how the alignment of colors in my Alignment piece naturally lends itself to the alignment of colors I created in Offering.

It makes my heart skip a beat to realize that time is seamless.  That the truest essence of who we are is seamless too — and that what we create, from the honesty of our own hands, will always connect the two.

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