Where I’ve Been Getting My Inspiration


In yesterday’s blog post I shared with you how Hansel, Phoenix, and I went hiking out at Badger Springs Wash.

What I wanted to show you today is how jazzed I’ve been lately over rock formations and this hike was filled with beauties!


If you look at the tippy top of this blog post you’ll notice a drawing I did in my MOODY workshop coming out in 21 SECRETS Tools & Techniques on April 1st.

I had to display it with these photos because to me there’s such a correlation with my recent obsession with rock formations and the organic and gritty techniques I’ve been joyfully exploring in both MOODY and POETIC.


Look at these two photos especially! Isn’t it absolutely amazing and gorgeous how wavy the top of that rock is? Doesn’t that just get your creative heart all bubbly?

It does mine!


Plus, the real inspiration is when I see these rock formations — I simply want to rub my hands across them — and I do of course! It amazes me many times that they are actually here — who knows how many thousands of years they’ve sat still in one place while the world keeps on turning — babies keep on being born — wars keep on raging — hearts keep on falling in love.

Awww.  I love thinking about that — and I especially love feeling them knowing that so many moons have shined on their surface and many, many moons will shine on them after I am way gone as well.

But it’s that connection I make with my hands.

On this hike we took it got a little hot and at one point I leaned my whole body against a rock formation that was covered in shade.  Immediately it offered relief like an old trusted friend.

In both MOODY and POETIC I am bringing that connection to our art making — that desire to touch and feel the surface — to really connect with the tools we are using and allow them to transmit their wisdom into us and vice versa.

It’s juicy stuff. It’s the stuff I’m really jazzed about lately.

And I’d love for you to join me!

CLICK HERE to learn more about both of these workshops! Let’s play!

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