Painting The Feminine Fall Student Show

Painting The Feminine Fall Student Show

My Painting The Feminine eCourse is so much more than a workshop.

I like to think of it as a movement — a collective stir of energy as women from across the globe gather virtually every Spring and Fall to deepen their own unique creative practice by exploring what Feminine Wisdom means to them.

My Fall 2017 session ended this past October and today I’m excited to open the doors on our Virtual Student Show where 23 of my painters enthusiastically share a peek into their process and art journals from our 4 week journey of Painting The Feminine together.

And if you’re curious…the Spring Session of Painting The Feminine begins Monday, March 5, 2018.  Be sure to sign up for the Dirty Footprints Studio newsletter HERE to be the first to know when early bird registration goes on sale!

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