Search results for: label/myj
Mama Curves
Saturday morning I showered, got Phoenix fed-dressed-and handed over to Hansel, grabbed my yoga mat, locked the door, got in the car, and drove. Just like that. The first time in nine weeks I was on my own–away from my little sweet pea. The first time in months I was on my way to my…
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FEARLESS™ Painting: Vulnerability (18″ x 24″) If you hadn’t noticed, I took a little hiatus from painting in the last couple months. Reason….this Yoga Teacher Training journey I am on is all encompassing. Sure, I’ve been practicing the physical postures of Yoga more than ever in my life before–and have been assigned tons of reading…
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Just recently a friend of mine from high school who I haven’t seen in years and years was traveling through Arizona on business and asked if I would want to meet. This is a chica that I was really, really good friends with back when we were teenagers–and the thing that tied us together back…
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