Painting The Feminine
Mixed-media art journaling exploring Feminine Wisdom
Self-Guided | 16.5 Hours of Video Content | Immediate Access
The year was 2012 & I was embracing life as a new mother for the Very first time...
Every night, exhausted but determined, I would sneak off to my studio for just an hour where I would paint in my art journal and explore what Feminine Wisdom meant to me.
Sometimes the answers would be as clear as the brushstrokes on my page, other nights I was swimming in the mystery. But the one thing that stayed steady was my devotion to my practice. No matter what my life felt and looked like — I kept showing up night-after-night to paint and then share my journal spread and insights online.
To my delightful surprise so many artists responded with such curiosity and a sincere interest to engage in this exploration I was in. Months later the very first Painting the Feminine online workshop was born and for eight straight years I hosted this workshop online every Spring and Fall.
It is an honor to say that artists from all over the globe gathered with me through those eight years and together we painted, told stories of the Feminine, laughed, cried, and healed in such big, beautiful ways.
That's the power of the Feminine I believe — she starts as just a brushstroke late at night and with little effort transforms into a world-wide movement right before our eyes.
In 2021 I finished the last page of my Painting the Feminine journal on Zoom in the presence of so many beloved students and friends. In honor of the eight years I spent Painting the Feminine I self-published my journal into a hardcover book intended for artists to have their own Painting the Feminine experience with.
I no longer host the Painting the Feminine online workshop live. However, I'm delighted to offer it as a self-paced eCourse for artists eager to delve into their own Feminine Wisdom and creativity.

Painting The Feminine Is For...
- Artists of all skill levels, backgrounds and interests. Our focus in Painting The Feminine is to create a body of work that helps each artist identify and understand their visual language and develop their style.
- Artists interested in gaining a peek into my painting process. I will share with you intimate details, as well as techniques you can apply to your own practice.
- Artists of all art supply capacity! In Painting The Feminine, I encourage you to use what you have on hand -- no need to purchase anything new and fancy for this eCourse!
- Artists who don't believe they're artists -- come! come! (Painting The Feminine will change your opinion on that!)
- Artists with experience that want to deepen their practice or breathe new life into it.

Here's What You'll Receive
- Foster a daily creative practice that is nourishing to your soul and nervous system
- Build a body of art work based around Feminine Wisdom / Feminine Energy
- Learn how to identify and honor your creative sweet spot
- Take creative risks with trust and curiosity
- Begin to identify and understand your unique visual language
- Develop your style -- no more searching for it!
- Create a visual narrative
- Discover inspiration in one’s own inner world and natural environment
- Practice relaxing and receiving — creatively and in life.
THe Course Content Is Structured To Help You FOSTER A Daily Creative Practice (M-F)
Painting the Feminine is intended to be a four-weeks exploration where each day (Monday-Friday) there's something to explore and dig into together. But, you are welcome and encouraged to find a pace that fits you perfectly.
MONDAY | DISCUSSION Monday's are for a juicy discussion where I share the theme we are going to explore for the week with our painting.
TUESDAY – THURSDAY | STORYTELLING & SUPPORT You will receive a short audio providing you with just enough inspiration and support to fuel your daily creative practice and get you Painting the Feminine with gusto.
FRIDAY | STUDIO VISIT & DEMO On Fridays you receive a visit to my studio where I share tips, tricks, and an intimate look at my own process. In the studio visits you can expect to learn:
- Getting to know how to use your brushes intuitively, plus how to properly care for them.
- How to choose your palette intuitively.
- The multiple ways I begin a journal page. I will introduce you to some of my favorite painting tools other than the brush: the wedge, card, paint rag, and hand.
- Tutorial on how to use Art Graf materials.
- How I break up energy on the page using my special technique called "gluing shit down" (aka collage).
- How I take my Painting the Feminine process out of the art journal and onto other substrates.
- How I store and care for my work.
- 8 Demos where I walk you through my painting process.
Praise for Painting the feminine

SELF-GUIDED eCOURSE | Immediate Access
Immediately after registering, you will be prompted to join the
Painting the Feminine virtual classroom at Connie's Paint Wisdom Studio.
If you were not please CONTACT US HERE.
Before making your purchase, please review the
cancellation and refund terms of agreement provided below.
Painting The Feminine is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Please CONTACT US if you have a problem or need help.
We want you to be happy and make art!