I’m A Teacher- You’re A Teacher- We’re All A Teacher!


The truth is…we are all teachers of Yoga. Each of us is in a constant Yoga practice called life. Though some of us take a different approach and add a Yoga mat to the mix. But, that is the greatest thing about bloggy land–it is a world of teachers in which we can learn from. I am participating in the WoYoPracMo or World Yoga Practice Month for January…so expect an abundance of Yoga LOVE as I begin this journey.

If you go up to the nav bar underneath the Dirty Footprints Studio header, you will see the link “cool chicas”. Scroll under there to “soulful yogis” and you will come to a list of some delicious, inspiring, and helpful blogs about Yoga and living ones practice. I just wanted to highlight a few blogs that I visit regularly. These are Yogis I consider to be my teacher, in how they approach their life through wellness, peace, compassion, and LOVE.

I hope you will take the time to visit their space and share some LOVE as well!

This amazing warrior is Linda of the blog Linda’s Yoga Journey. Though–if you run over there now you’re gonna have to stroll through her archives for awhile (which I highly recommend) because, Linda is on a beautiful journey to India and Africa where she will be heading a Yoga retreat. But, Linda is a compassionate, honest, and fiesty Yogini who has true zeal for the practice and life. A true teacher.

This gorgeous snow bunny is my dear friend Tiffany who I hope to meet one day. She is awesome!!! A native Australian living in Spain who teaches Yoga and writes an amazing blog called Patheya Blogspot–On Being Human. Tiffany lives a rich and compassionate life and works hard to share the beauty and power of the Yoga life with others.

Oh SweetMango…SweetMango!! My dear sister. My dear friend. One of my greatest teachers ever. This woman embodies beauty, truth, compassion, and LOVE. Her life is a living, breathing Yoga practice…with the peaks and valleys of any incredible journey. Michelle, also known as SweetMango…shares her life’s ups and downs as a reflection to a deeper way to live in LOVE. Visit Michelle’s blog sweetmangoLOVE HERE.

Lisa, of the blog Eco Yogini, would you like to come over and hang out? It’s much warmer here in Arizona then it is up there in Canada!! So when you coming?

I think Lisa is one of the coolest, most interesting Yogini bloggers out there. She always has a fascinating view on Yoga, the environment, and feminist issues. Her blog is bubbling with valuable information on living a more compassionate, well balanced life. I learn so much every time I visit. Thank you for all your hard work, energy, and thought that goes into your blog. I certainly appreciate it.

The Humble Yogini. The blog name says it all. I LOVE this blog. I LOVE the writer–Geri, also known as Janaki. Her writing is filled with reflection, searching as well as understanding, deep, deep compassion, and such great LOVE. I wrap my arms around this blog and give it a big hug every time I visit.

Leslie is another very cool Yogini chica! She writes the blog Yogadiva’s Divine Life, a must read! On her blog she shares little tidbits about Yoga, Creativity,and nuggets of wisdom and fun from her own life. Such an inviting place to be.

What an adorable photo of the Miss Melita over at the blog Gussying Up the Tuttle. Melita was a guest writer HERE on Dirty Footprints Studio back in September actually. She is so fabulous, because just recently Melita decided to switch gears and follow her heart through a journey of wellness and Yoga that she plans to create a career from. It’s fun and inspiring to follow along on her blog!

I would like to add that there are many other Yogi Bloggers out there that I LOVE and find inspiration from. Please take the time to cruise some of the other Lovelies as well, by going HERE.

Peace & Love.

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