If I Took The Time To Notice…
Published on March 17, 2011
I love my life.
I love each glorious second of it.
Each blessed sun kissed sacred moment.
I love it all.
But I guess if I took the time and STOPPED–
Stopped focusing on the good things–
Stopped limiting my consumption of “news”–
Stopped surrounding myself with people that see the world as a magcial, beautiful, place of possibilites and light–
Stopped reading only spiritual, uplifting, progressive blogs–
Stopped blocking all the negative updaters on Facebook and Twitter–
Stopped picking myself up after every time I fall–
Stopped believing that “bad” things happen for me and not to me–
Stopped ignoring people who only speak from fear–
Well, I guess if I did all that,
and really, really stopped to simply notice
how shitty things are in the world around me….
Really took the focus off from going inward-
And instead used my time and energy to focus on
all the horror and tragedy and terrible things happening around me.
Well, I guess I wouldn’t feel so fondly of this glorious life-
Now would I?
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