Video Rewind :: Striving To Be Different


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Long, long time ago I went to art school.

One of the big things about art school is that everyone is striving to be different.  To stand out.  To be innovative.  Unique.  One-of-a-kind.

Because believe me, they really poo-poo copy cats in art school.

Sure, you have to spend what feels like lifetimes actually copying the masters–but they teach you how to copy in a way that only enhances your own voice even more.

Now even though many of the traits I inherited from art school have soften or completely fallen away, striving to be different is one that has really stuck with me.

When I created these art journal love videos I wanted to take a more unique approach than just your typical timelapse art journaling tutorials.

It’s always my intention to tell a story, be poetic, or at the least be funny.

This is one of those videos that I feel encompasses all of that.

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