Where The Heck Is 21 SECRETS?


For those of you that have been part of the 21 SECRETS community for awhile, you’re probably wondering where the heck is the Fall edition? Actually many of you have been emailing me asking that exact question.

Well, it’s time that I spill the beans and let you in on a little secret.

2020 will mark the 10th year anniversary of 21 SECRETS — can I get a HOT DAMN!!?!?!

I can barely believe it myself that this time — ten years ago — I was plucking away at the very first 21 SECRETS that would be birth into the world. To be fully honest, I had no idea that it would become such a huge success and last as long as it has.

In fact 21 SECRETS 2019 Summer Studio was the 21st edition!!!

As an artist, everything I create has a season and I realized earlier this year that 21 editions feels like a good, strong place to call this current expression of 21 SECRETS done.

So this morning I sat down in my studio and created a juicy little video for you that expands on my ideas and reasons why 21 SECRETS is going through a much anticipated rebirth.

You can watch it below.


I know that many of you look forward to the rhythm of creativity and joy 21 SECRETS brings to your life each Spring, Summer, and Fall. I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as I take the next few months to nourish the seeds of 21 SECRETS that are longing to be reborn in 2020. I promise to keep you in the loop as my process unfolds through sharing peeks in my newsletter, blog, and social media.

I can’t wait to rebirth this program with you by my side next year.

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