
Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship

Online Immersion | AUGUST 29 - DECEMBER 6, 2024 | LIMITED to 12 ARTISTS


Make art with more depth, meaning, and magic

What Is The Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship?

The Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship is a 3 months, online immersion for artists that are yearning for more depth, meaning, and magic in their creative practice. 

As your mentor, I will guide you on a journey through the deeper currents of your creativity where you will shed limiting beliefs that bind your Artist Soul and discover the wisdom that lives within your, unique mark-making and creative practice.

Through weekly small group mentoring calls, online learning modules, and check-ins you will:

  • Create a body-of-work that possesses your unique voice, style, and message.
  • Strengthen your connection to your Artist Soul by doing MORE of what you love and returning to alignment with your creative rhythms.
  • Devote yourself to your creative practice and begin to untangle your relationship to fear and resistance.
  • Gain the confidence and language to speak about your work with clarity.
  • Write a powerful artist bio and artist statement that reflects the essence of your work.
  • Sink into the deeper currents beneath your creativity and art making.
  • Learn how to view, organize, and curate your body-of-work into cohesive series and collections.
  • Be a part of a small, creative community mentored and guided by Connie Solera.
Sink into the deeper currents of your creative practice

The Paint FEARLESS Mentorship Is For Artists...

  • EAGER  to create a body of work that will evolve and grow over time and most of all look and feel like your style and voice.
  • WANT TO BE COMFORTABLE in deciding what to create each week and with what materials.
  • ENERGIZED by participating in deep conversations, sitting in the questions instead of jumping immediately to solutions, and practicing deep listening -- to yourself, your art work, and your peers.
  • INSPIRED by diverse ideas and approaches to creativity, the creative process, and art.
  • YEARNING for a small group of creative peers to create with weekly and share the ebb-and-flow of the creative process together.
  • DEVOTED to nourishing your Artist Soul and appreciate the weekly check-in, accountability, and guidance.
  • EAGER TO LEARN more about your own unique visual language and strengthen your skills as an artist.
  • LOVE TO LAUGH and think making art is one of the best medicines in the whole universe!
Is The Mentorship Right For You?

Schedule a 25 minute Discovery Call & lets explore if the Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship is the right fit for you.

learn art from connie solera


  • IDENTIFY and EMBODY your unique visual language. You will leave the Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship knowing to-the-bone who you are as an artist with a renewed sense of confidence in what makes your art unique. Through the Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship you will discover how your creative practice supports, guides, and braids itself in your life continuously.
  • DEEPEN your studio practice with care. In the Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship you will create a body-of-work that helps you identify the intricacies of your creative process and establish a practice that is fully in alignment with your unique creative rhythms, interests, cycles, energy levels, and life circumstances while growing your skills as an artist.
  • STRENGTHEN your connection to your inner guidance (aka your Artist Soul). The Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship will help you make friends with resistance and fear, approach your practice with more kindness, take creative risks with gusto, and trust your Artist Soul like nobody's business!
  • OWN your voice and style as an Artist. Instead of going on a mad-hunt for your voice and style, in the Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship you will create space for YOUR style and voice to become more robust and evident with each piece you create.
  • Fully and fearlessly EXPRESS yourself creatively. The Paint FEARLESS® Mentorship will help you drop the overbearing woulds, coulds, and shoulds of perfectionism, heal and protect your practice from harsh self criticism and comparison, and most of all: help you embrace being fully YOU as an artist.
shed limiting beliefs that bind your Artist Soul





Paint FEARLESS® is a registered trademark of Connie Solera, LLC.