Painting The Feminine eCourse

Painting The Feminine begins Monday, May 4 

The next Painting The Feminine will be offered in May 2016.
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Student Work By Lisa Hofmann

Painting The Feminine began as my own personal 30 days exploration. Each day I showed up to the art journal with an intention to embrace, understand, and awaken my own Feminine Wisdom.  The journey was so transformative I felt called to share it with other women.

In January 2014 I lead the first Painting The Feminine workshop and as the energy of our community began to grow Painting The Feminine felt more like an art movement and less like a workshop.

I am pleased to announce that Painting The Feminine begins again May 4, 2015 and this will be the only time I offer Painting The Feminine this year.  In this 4 week eCourse we will deepen our creative practice by inviting ritual,  storytelling,  intuitive journal writing, and the lunar cycle into our daily art journaling practice.

Each day (Monday-Friday) an email will arrive containing content intended to inspire and awaken your Feminine Wisdom while igniting your art journaling for that day.  All content is yours to keep so that you can truly honor the rhythm of your own Feminine Wisdom.

Also included in Painting The Feminine is a private Facebook group for sharing and three live Spreecasts held at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST on Thursday, May 7th, May 21st, and Monday, June 1st.  These Spreecasts will be recorded for those unable to attend.

For more details, including a supply list, please CLICK HERE.


Student Work by Jo Anne Parker
  • Awaken Feminine wisdom in our creativity, relationships, & life.
  • Embrace a daily creative practice.
  • Create a cohesive body of art work that will reveal one’s own unique style, visual language, & expression.
  • Grow more confidant as an artist.
  • Discover where we embrace & suppress our own Feminine wisdom.
  • Shine in a community of kindreds.
  • Receive individual feedback & support from Connie.


For more details, including a supply list, 
please CLICK HERE.

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My weekly newsletter is filled with studio updates,
announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.

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