Thanks BlissChick!!!

Every day when I do my usual jog around the Blog Circle my first stop is always BlissChick. When I first discovered this Blog, it was like coming home. Maybe it’s because Christine, of BlissChick lives near my beloved Lake Erie. Maybe it’s because the words written there are insightful, comforting, and always nourishing. But I am blessed to have found BlissChick, and to have begun a dear friendship.

Recently Christine asked if she could interview me for her Blog. I am so deeply honored and full of joy that she did. Christine conducts a weekly interview with very interesting people, living courageous, authentic lives. Imagine my humble excitement when she wanted to add me to that circle of individuals! The questions really made me dig deep and examine the core of what brings Bliss to my life.

I hope that in reading this interview, you will go further to explore the many topics listed on the side bar in BlissChick’s Blog. Christine is a mindful poet, beloved Yogini, and an advocate for CAR-FREE living. Her life, creativity, and Blog are a constant inspiration! Thank you Christine for inviting me into your space and sharing the BlissChick love!

Peace & Love.
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