Happy Creating!!!

I started this little diddy yesterday during my lunch hour. Just a random sketch. I was actually thinking that that’s the kind of haircut I want my hair to grow out to. The eyes are pretty funky looking…makes the face looks smashed!! But…the deal is…I want to start drawing again. I don’t care what it is…but just start moving a pencil, stirring up something. My intention is to post these little diddies here—bad, good, ridiculous, complete and/or incomplete…maybe that will keep me motivated and honest. Something, like I said before, something is calling me to step back a bit…and drawing is an excellent way to move slower and explore deeper. I’ve gotten pretty rusty at drawing…and I just can’t have that!
Plus–I want to share a couple other things…..

On Valentine’s Day I purchased myself a little gift….an art journal!!! It’s the one pictured above—I’m so excited…something about it just popped out at me..and screamed that it was perfect for me and my new rekindled affair with drawing! I’m so excited for it to arrive that my hands are shaking!!! I purchased it from one of the Dirty Footprints Studio Talk sponsors: Robyn’s Art.

Also, yesterday I had a super stressful day at school. When that happens, I spend my lunch hour cruising Etsy usually looking at Art!! It’s a quick fix of joy! Look at these beautiful prints I found from this super, duper, awesome artist Shira Sela. You can visit her Etsy shop HERE and her fabulous website HERE. I absolutely fell in love with this print HERE. Good stuff–you just want to drink it up!

Happy creating chicas!!!
Peace & Love.
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