Exciting Changes


I think it’s time to do more of what I love and really start getting my feet wet!

Monday is for Art Journal LOVING here at Dirty Footprints Studio…but this past week, all my love and energy has been poured into other beloved babies I want to take flight before school starts back on August 5th. Please don’t worry, there will be more Art Journal LOVE next week!! Promise!!

This Summer has been life changing. I don’t know exactly what it is–or how it happened–but something HAS happened!!! Juices are flowing and my Creativity is on super high speed!! I’m starting to have a clearer vision of what I want to bring into my life, and better yet–I’m starting to believe full-heartedly that it is going to exist. All my dreams of Costa Rica, of having my own, real life, Dirty Footprints Studio–where thirsty souls can come and find an oasis of creativity and spirit—it’s on its way. I can feel it!! Can you?

So I have decided that if I really want to live this CREATIVE JUICY LIFE I keep reflecting upon….it’s time I start doing it NOW. I’m not going to wait till I have mango trees, monkeys, and the Pacific Ocean in my backyard to start creating a Creative Juicy Life–to begin an oasis of creativity and spirit for others. No, I am going to start NOW.

No chicas, I have not quit my job. I still start back in about a week. But I’m ready for it–I’m ready to make it a part of my Creative Juicy Life! AND–the best part is that I plan to make the Dirty Footprints Studio I do have now–both in real life here in the desert and here in my little corner of the blogosphere–my foundation for the Dirty Footprints Studio that is waiting for me in Costa Rica! That’s why I am so excited about this Wednesday when Dirty Footprints Studio will be sporting a brand new look, feel, and Creative Juicy VIBE!!! This new Dirty Footprints Studio is so beautiful—it is a complete reflection of my dreams…my life…my gifts I have to offer to the world. My deepest hope and intention is that you too will find an oasis here to be inspired creatively and renew your spirit.

AND…one more thing….on WEDNESDAY I will be having two fabulous give-aways!! You can be the winner of not one–but possibly two Dirty Footprints Studio paintings that I have been working on this Summer! There will be two ways to enter…one by leaving a comment here ON WEDNESDAY during the grand re-opening, and second by becoming a fan of my Dirty Footprints Studio page on Facebook HERE (current fans are already entered to win! you can enter now too!).

This is so exciting!!! I can’t wait!!!

Don’t forget the CREATIVE JUICY LIFE interview with Chris Zydel today at 2:00 EST…go HERE for more information and to listen!

Peace & Love.

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