Great Fun!
Published on September 28, 2009
This past Saturday, September 26th…Dirty Footprints Studio hosted the first CREATIVE DIG WORKSHOP at Terra Vista Studios in Cleveland, Ohio.
It was cold, grey, and rainy in Cleveland, Ohio….a perfect Autumn day.
The weather was an absolute beautiful backdrop to the gorgeous Terra Vista Studios…and a great environment to spend a day digging through one’s Creativity and Self!
Christine Claire Reed of BlissChick was there in her fabulous pink hair and sparkly sandals to teach Writing Your Shiniest Story.
I had the awesome opportunity to meet some lovely bloggers…like Heather Plett of the blog What Are You Giving Away and Lori-Lyn Hurley of the blog The Dream Life–both pictured here busy writing in their journals!
It’s super fun to actually meet people you communicate with via blogs and Twitter in person! When I met Sandy Dempsey of the Dreaming Cafe I right away said “Wow!! You’re more then a little square!!”
Some other sweet bloggers that were there also were Amy Maupin of the blog Minding Myself, Jennifer Hayes Hugon of Jennifer Hayes Art, and Joy White of Pure Joy.
Mid way through we broke for a yummy lunch!
Andrea LeBlond–the clay Artist and cool chica that actually has her studio at Terra Vista Studios was there teaching Pinch-Pot Portraits!
It was so awesome to see what everyone created!! Many who hadn’t touched clay since grade school! Magic!
I had the great opportunity to guide everyone through an experience of diving into their Art Journal with paint! I love all the juicy colors everyone unleashed!
Lots of Lovelies faced their fears of trying something new at the Creative Dig Workshop…if it was facing a part of their self they usually suppress through journal writing with Christine, pinching clay for the first time in decades with Andrea, or letting go of the fear of getting it right with me in their Art Journal….there was lots of growing, discovery, and fun happening!
The Lovely who created the beautiful piece above declared before beginning that she wasn’t an Artist and that she was pretty nervous to proceed with trying Art Journaling….look at the beautiful work she created!! Could have fooled me that she wasn’t an Artist!
Altogether, I feel the Creative Dig Workshop was a great success!!
I look forward to sharing the beauty of Art and Creativity more in the future!
Hope next time you can join in the fun as well.
Peace & Love.
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