Living The Creative Juicy Life!


I have a thing for drawing on whatever I can– where ever I go! One time I actually drew on a placemat at a Chinese restaurant…and the servers loved it so much..they accepted it for payment for our meals! Ha!

Lovelies, I’m taking a break.

Nothing earth shattering.

Just a break from blogging so I can fully concentrate on all the fabulousness that is taking place in my Creative Juicy Life right now!! This Saturday is the Creative Dig Workshop in Cleveland, Ohio…and I’ll be flying in there early to say hello to my old hometown. Plus, there’s a few other exciting projects in the works….and well, this chica needs some space to keep those Creative Juices flowing!!

I won’t be gone long, promise.

But while I’m away, some very Creative Juicy bloggers have agreed to drop by the Dirty Footprints Studio and inspire you with their own nuggets of Creative Juicy wisdom!! Please be sure to make them feel welcomed with lots of comment LOVE, RT loving on Twitter, and of course hanging out at their pads for awhile as well! There’s going to be so much Creative Juicy fun happening while I’m a way…that I’m a tad jealous I won’t be here!

Plus…TODAY is the BIG day that Jamie Ridler releases her Creative Living with Jamie podcast where she interviews little ol’ me! You can listen by going HERE! I completely adore Jamie…and this was a HUGE, I mean real HUGE honor to be interviewed by her and included in such an incredible project that includes a long list of Creative Juicy Lovelies!! Thank you Jamie!! You rock!

Have a totally Creative Juicy few days Lovelies!!!

Peace & Love.

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