Thank You.


Why do you blog?

Seriously…have you ever put any thought into it? What do you spend more time on—your own blog or visiting other blogs? Do you feel you’ve found a community out here in this big, wide bloggy land? Have you made friends…real friends…like people you actually talk to in “real” life–possibly even spend time with in “real” space?

I’m just curious.

Why did I start blogging?

Well, Lovelies, there were other blogs before Dirty Footprints Studio…but none that I felt as passionate and connected to as this sweet space. I initially started Dirty Footprints Studio because I was longing to meet other kindred souls and to share my Art. Hansel and I had moved to AZ knowing no one, and it wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be to make friends. So blogging filled that need to connect with other cool chicas. I made friends quickly and easily here—some we still only communicate via our blogs and emails, others we’ve moved into talking on the phone regularly.

But for me, Dirty Footprints Studio has transformed from a place to make friends, to an extension of my own Creative Expression…..even, I would go as far to say as a place to carry out my mission in life. I like to think of myself as a Creative Blogger…someone that uses this virtual space as a canvas, a classroom, and a soft place to land in times when I need to share my reflections and musings on the Creative Juicy Life. Have I told you Lovelies lately that I appreciate every comment you leave, every email you send, every hug you throw my way? If not, I’m sorry…because I really, really do.

Dirty Footprints Studio is as much my space as it is yours. This is a place for all of us to live and learn about the Creative Juicy Life!! This is a place for inspiration, positivity, everything Creative, and overflowing Juiciness!

So many of you write me and say thank you…and that means the world to me…but I just wanted to take this moment and sincerely open my heart and say thank you to YOU.

A huge, Creative Juicy, heartfelt THANK YOU!

There is great, great LOVE here for you.

Peace & Love.

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