Talking Art!


I think it’s really important for me, and everyone I guess, to remember that Art Every Day does NOT have to mean that you are producing something every single day. Let’s not forget that part of art and being an artist is also taking things in, dreaming, imagining, planning, experimenting, journaling etc.

Also…learning about other artists, techniques, and art movements–looking at art, and having conversations about art–can also be a nutritious part of the Art Every Day Month challenge. If you ask me.

Monday at school was a new rotation, of a new quarter–so basically that means a new round of kiddos! I decided to start my 8th grade class off today with some discussion about art! Above and below you will see two videos that we watched. I love both of them dearly–they are both fabulously passionate and moving, but in very different ways.

The first video is of the Ukrainian sand artist Kseniya Simonova who recently won Ukraine’s version of “America’s Got Talent”. First, I need to say that I LOVE that a VISUAL ARTIST won a national talent contest–how freaking cool is that?!?! And second, this piece of art is so moving as she ties music, images, and performance art together to tell a story relating to World War II.

The second video is beyond sweet!! It is a lovely video for the song “Art” by Tanya Davis. The artist that swirls watercolor on paper is Andrea Dorfman and she pulls you in and gives you a feeling of searching and love through her images that reflect the music.

To be honest, this second video is a bit of a theme song for my life most of the time! But let’s stick to the topic of discussing art..and not my relationship with my muse!

After looking at these videos our discussion began around how music, art, and video weave together to create a final piece of art. How would these pieces be different if the music was different, or ceased to exist at all? In the first video the artist skillfully chose her music to add drama and depth to her work, while in the second video it feels more like the music guided the artist.

Next, I led the discussion towards how art can influence, inspire, educate, and move people. Both these videos are moving. Both will leave you thinking about life in a different way. Is it just as moving and inspiring for the artist to create these pieces of work? Where does this energy stem from?

Having this discussion with a group of 8th graders was refreshing as well as enlightening.

That is how I put Art into my Every Day!

Peace & Love.

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