All Is Full of LOVE

You’ll be given LOVE
You’ll be taken care ofYou’ll be given LOVEYou have to trust it
Maybe not from the sourcesYou have poured yoursMaybe not from the directionsYou are staring at
Twist your head aroundIt’s all around youAll is full of LOVEAll around you
All is full of LOVEYou just ain’t receivingAll is full of LOVEYour phone is off the hookAll is full of LOVEYour doors are all shutAll is full of LOVE
All is full of LOVEAll is full of LOVEAll is full of LOVEAll is full of LOVEAll is full of LOVE
–lyrics by the amazing Bjork–angelically sung by the equally amazing PS22 Chorus

My friends….there is great, great, great LOVE here for you.

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