Belly LOVE From A Girl Obsessed

Here’s some Belly LOVE musing from a girl that’s been obsessed.
I’ve been on fire–my soul feels like it’s on a mission–and I keep going, going, going.
But…here’s the thing about being a girl obsessed.
You can begin to wear blinders. And now I know what that means.
I forget to do Yoga, I forget to exercise, and I forget to eat–not to mention to even eat something nutritious and life giving. I forget that sleep is important and that taking time to be lazy can be helpful. I forget that there is more to life then just working, working, working. I forget that there are other things then just Art and creativity.
Yeah, for some reason–in the last few weeks I’ve forgotten these little things.
But that’s the thing about the body…about the beauty of Belly LOVE…it won’t let you forget it–even if you try to….if you push and push and push past all the signs…it will still knock on your door with something to say like “hey, remember me?!? I’m your body–the thing you’ve been putting through slave labor!”
So that’s the honesty of where I’ve been in the last few weeks with my journey into Belly LOVE bliss.
But the best thing…the greatest thing….is that the body can be very forgiving if you come back with LOVE in your heart and renew your commitment in a very sweet way.
So I spent Sunday on the couch, just cuddling with my doggie and wandering in and out of a perfect nap. Then later that evening, I dived into the pool under moonlight and instantly I could feel all the pressure I put my body through just slip away.
But the real gift came Monday, when I rolled out my Yoga mat–first time in two weeks. I turned on my Baron Baptiste DVD and found myself sweating away all the stress and abuse I inflicted on my very compassionate body. I could feel the drips of salty water carry all my worry and fear through a journey down my back and into the mat below. I could feel all the disrespect I put it through leave in each breath I exhaled.
My body forgave me for being an obsessed girl high on creative juiciness. My body welcomed me back and made room for all my silly worries, fears, and big, big, big excitement to live comfortably. My body cradled me in a blanket of Yoga bliss–and reminded me how good it feels to take time just for me…just for us…for my belly LOVE and I to dance.
And maybe you get nothing out of this blog post. I have to say that’s ok. Because when you’re a girl obsessed with helping as many that she can to find their creative juicy awesomeness—sometimes things have to be just about me.
And that’s why I wrote this belly LOVE today…to remind that part of myself that gets obsessed–that gets crazed by the beauty of the Universe–that it’s important to take some time each day to show up on the Yoga mat, to splash water around in the pool…to let Jillian Michaels kick my ass.
Because what good is an obsession…if you have no vehicle to fully feel and deliver it. What good is an obsession if your body gives up and decides for all of us that no one wins.
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