A FEARLESS Painter Is…..


Here is what some of my FEARLESS Painters from the recent Tribe of BIG had to say…

Oh, I don’t quite know where to begin…What this group, being part of this fearless painting tribe, has meant in my life has been more than big, more than huge, more than…well unquantifyably BIG. When I signed up I was curious, thinking OK, this looks cool, I want to know how to paint big paintings. Little did I know that painting the paintings is only the vehicle. The paint is the vehicle, and the destination was my true self, and Connie, well you are the champion cruise director! I also did not know I would have such amazing, inspiring, loving travel companions! I don’t want to say good-bye to not one of you!!
~FEARLESS Painter Christine Graziano


I don’t even know where to begin with how much this has meant to me. How I feel right now, not even being done with our last assignment, but still… it’s been a long time since i have felt this accomplished.
There’s so much more to say… right brain connectivity, soul-plumbing, amazing soul-stirrers and inspirators, crying, laughing, huffing, puffing, blowing my own house down in a way I never dreamed possible…. these are a few of my very favorite things. And I got to share them with some of the most incredible people. Thank you all for this magical little journey.
To me, BIG now means breaking barriers I didn’t even know were still there, or ever existed…and staying with something until it ‘says’ it’s finished, and not when I say so.
~FEARLESS Painter Charlie Pettus
I thought I’d just be painting something, but instead…I feel so alive, so full of energy, so carried by all of you. I’ve made paintings I never dreamt of doing. I bought a new pair of glasses – something I’ve wanted to do for years, but never had the nerve. I’ve painted my fingernails green – I can’t go all day without color πŸ™‚ – I feel fearless. No, – I FEEL FEARLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~FEARLESS Painter Kim Philips van Buren
What BIG means to me now. I just wanna say, that when I first started this workshop, I didn’t even think being fearless was possible. This workshop means a lot to me in my real life as well as painting, because you taught us to trust and about our fear gremlin. I still struggle w/ certain things, but I now know that being fearless is possible. yay!!! oh, and art is so awesome.
~FEARLESS Painter Amy
I have found that BIG ‘process’ painting certainly has loosened me up and taken me out of my comfort zone. That was one of my goals for taking BIG as I normally paint somewhat realistic looking figures with a lot of detail, using a technique that requires many layers of acrylic glazing. My paintings have a tightly controlled feel to them and I really labor/angst as I paint this ‘product’ way of painting, being more concerned with the end results. I now want to change that approach and experience more emotions, fun and play while engaging with my images, which is exactly what I felt when I painted this painting. I believe I am beginning to find a place of comfort ’somewhere in the middle’, as I certainly have experienced a wonderful place of comfort with all of you here!!
~ FEARLESS Painter Maryruth Chorbajian
I have never hung my art work on the walls…I feel so empowered..so Big…Even though it’s just a set of steps and landing – for the first time I feel like I’m worth that space. I want to sit there and soak it UP.

~ FEARLESS Painter Sarah Samuelson


And so she goes out into the world

with paint in her hair

and gesso on her hands…

Fearless She.

Beauty from the inside floods to the out.

Fearless She.

She will always be grateful for all her BIG sisters, and for Big Mama Connie πŸ™‚

Love you all so much!

~ FEARLESS Painter Kitty O


You can also go HERE to hear from some of the FEARLESS Painters in the first BIG!

BIG begins on Sunday, October 24th

(and won’t be back until January 2011).

Are you ready to become part of the FEARLESS Painting Tribe?

Then go HERE for more information and to register.

See you there soon!

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