Let’s Move Forward

I was gonna talk about the hair, but let’s be real. How much can I say before I bore the jeeber weebers out of ya?!!?!
It’s hair. And yes, it’s a bit astray from the norm. But it’s still hair–and sure, it’s a statement. But for me it’s deeper than that–it’s a journey that I plan to wear on my head–a movement to breathe deeper into my spirit.
Let’s keep it at that for now…and move forward.
Tomorrow I’m hopping on a plane and heading to Austin, Texas for the Joyfully Jobless Jamboree!!!
{Isn’t that a fun name!?!}
I’ve been invited to speak on how painting made me quit my job–plus, I have the awesome opportunity to bring my FEARLESS Painting Process there as well! Not to mention hang out with some really amazing individuals.
I’m so excited that I already started packing yesterday!!
Each little bottle of tempera paint has it’s own ziplock bag–and they all fit snug in one suitcase–along with a stack of palettes and a bunch of new brushes! I have a few packs of vellum bristol and the cutest cups ever to hold water–and I’m set!
This is it, babey. This is what I was meant to do–what I’m excited to share–what I hope will change worlds in even tiny, fun, and blissfully colorful ways.
Painting made me quit my job. Yep.
And it also keeps me on track–helps me make decisions–supports me financially–and even helps me better understand me. I want everyone to know about FEARLESS Painting. I want everyone to try it….even if it’s just once.
So that’s my mission.
Watch out world….here I come…wild hair and with a suitcase of paint to boot!
And oh…if you want a taste of it yourself—BIG starts soon!! Go HERE to register and for more info.
Now back to building my FEARLESS Painting empire!
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