A Little Somethin Somethin For YOU!
Published on November 2, 2010
A long time ago I started a Dirty Footprints Studio newsletter…it had a short shelf life, even though it might have fooled you by sitting at the bottom of this blog collecting dust and taking names and emails for over a year.
Honestly, I LOVE email newsletters. I subscribe to many. Some of my favorite ones are written by Sandy Dempsey, Jamie Ridler, and Ann Rea. But, I hate the ones that are nothing but promotion promotion promotion–or telling me the same exact thing I just read on your blog. If I’m inviting you into my personal inbox, then wow me with something interesting, please.
So that’s why I quit the newsletter thingy altogether….I was doing the exact same thing that makes me unsubscribe from other email newsletters.
So not cool.
But lately the muse has been whispering in my ear. I now have an email newsletter project I want to give birth to in this world…and it’s all for you. Sweet, beautiful, creative juicy YOU.
Why? Because you give so much to me. You are always supportive–always rooting me on–so I want to do the same for you and do it through the best way I know how–sharing my FEARLESS Painting Process.
On Monday, November 8 the first issue of The FEARLESS Painting email by Dirty Footprints Studio will be released!! Each FEARLESS Painting email will contain a nugget of inspiration that focuses on my FEARLESS Painting Process and ways you can bring this process into rocking your own life. And yes–there might be an occasional promotional email–but I’ll never bombard you with those..I know how freaking annoying that can be.
So are you in? Do you want to be brave and paint FEARLESS? Then sign up–it’s free, fun, and FEARLESS!!
(If you’ve already signed up before for my newsletter…then no worries..you’re good…you’re still on the list–even though it’s a new form!)
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Receive the FEARLESS Painting email
Email Address *
First Name *
Email Format
- html
- text
- mobile
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Join The Paint Wisdom Newsletter!
My weekly newsletter is filled with studio updates,
announcements,& short musings intended to nourish your Artist Soul.