Thank you to all the amazing Art Journalers that are celebreating Art Journal LOVE with me this week! It has been a huge pleasure to see all the goodness you have been creating!
And if you are here at Dirty Footprints Studio looking for the party…just go

But I’m going to be honest….
The last few days have been kind of challenging.

And this week so far has felt like the world caving in on me.

Thinking this would help…
I pumped up my yoga practice–
sat longer in meditation–
and even indulged in extra pieces of chocolate here and there.

But I still find my mind racing to figure things out…
my body straining to deal with the stress…
and my heart sinking into a darker shade of grey.

So yesterday, I just decided enough.
I cried enough.
I talked about it enough.
I journaled, painted, and reflected upon all this stuff

And instead of doing more things that kept me centered in my issues
I instead decided to pick up my camera
and grab Nyla and off we went for a walk.
My plan: to take a photo safari–
something I’ve seen many other Artists online do–
but I never “officially” have given it a whirl.

So that’s what I did.
Nothing fancy.
No real theme or big purpose behind my photos…
just training the mind to focus on the
here and now.
The present.
The beauty that surrounds me.

Even the peace and serenity that is always there.
Always a breath away.
And for an hour or so–
I merged with happiness once again.
I found stillness in my mind once more…
and all the yucky stuff that has been plaguing my spirit…
it melted away like butter.

And I realized it’s not the photography–
it’s not even the dip into my blissful creativity–
it’s simply telling the mind what to do.
Insisting on another path for it to take–
So you can get back in touch with the truth of who you are–
the truth of what this life is about–
the fact that no matter how difficult things are–
stillness, peace and happiness exists
at that moment as well.
It’s just the matter of giving yourself permission-
to change directions–and leave the drama of the mind behind.