Big Girl Camera Adventures
Published on March 7, 2011
This weekend Hansel and I went on a roadtrip to Tonto National Forest and of course I brought my Big Girl Camera.
I noticed right away that Hansel and I both have significantly different approaches to this photography thang. He likes to set up the tripod–fuss with the camera–get everything just perfect–and shoot. He is also big on getting the entire landscape in his lens–really focusing on the environment as a whole.
Checking, checking.Click.
I, on the other hand, prefer to excavate the little details. While Hansel is standing there all cute and professional photographer like–I’m an archaeologist hunting for my next treasure.
Searching, digging, examining things closely.Then shooting what feels good–what looks right at that precious moment.Click.
Neither one of us is right. Just different. And expressing who we are completely by capturing the world as we see it.
This fascinates me. Absolutely fascinates me.
Because when I think about it–this description on how we shoot photos could pretty much describe the way we do other things in our lives as well.
And together, no wonder we balance each other out so perfectly.
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