
My FEARLESS™ Painter Debra over in BIG painted her fear gremlin!!

I just had to share her/him/it with all of you.

I mean, I hate to say it…but Debra…your fear gremlin is adorable–

how could you not love the ol’ bastard into being your friend?!?!

Collaborative painting by FEARLESS™ Painter Hali & her hubby!

This painting was a BIG first!! FEARLESS™ Painter Hali decided to FEARLESS™ Paint with her hubby–and not only did this amazing painting arise–but so did some incredible healing, enlightening moments between the two.  It was such a moving experience to read about in her blog post on BIG–and I just love when my FEARLESS™ Painters take the FEARLESS™ Painting Process and apply it to their lives and own relationships.  I love that-love that-love that!!

Acrylic paint and oil pastels in art journal.

And last night I let loose again in my regular ol’ art journal.

I totally went FEARLESS™ with color–and it felt like balm to my soul.

There’s still some space in my first

Inner Breath FEARLESS™ Painting Intensive:


Everyone is welcome!!

So come paint FEARLESS™ with me this September!!

Go HERE for more info & to register your sweet self!

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