Inner Breath Is HERE!!!!!!
Published on August 15, 2011
I am all gums and teeth over here chicas!!
I am totally smiling from ear to ear!!
I am radiating love and joy big time!!!
Today is the day that I FINALLY launch
Inner Breath
to the world! Wahoo!!!
This is a baby that’s been brewing inside my heart for awhile–
and now she is ready to be birth into the world–
with the deepest intention of helping others connect with
their Inner Breath
and breathe life into their FEARLESS™ Painting Soul!
Are you ready? Then let’s do this….
What Is Inner Breath?
Inner Breath is a series of *mini* (meaning only 4 weeks) *intensive* online workshops where each one will marinate in a particular theme or focus related to FEARLESS™ Painting and living a Creative Juicy Life that is near and dear to my sweet lil’ ol’ pink heart!!
It’s like asking for a shot of FEARLESS™ Painting espresso…but even better.
Each intensive will consist of four weeks of FEARLESS™ Painting invitations, videos, discussions, pdf’s, support, feedback, sharing, and also 2 live online chats (recorded for you to watch later)–and 2 live teleconferences (recorded as well).
My intention behind Inner Breath is to create an inspiring and open hearted space for FEARLESS™ Painters to build a stronger connection to creative source, take risks, become more confidant as Artists, and simply rock out as FEARLESS™ Painters!
What & When is the First Inner Breath Intensive?
The first Inner Breath intensive will be focused on the yumminess of LISTENING TO OUR INNATE WISDOM and will begin on Sunday, September 4th and run for four weeks through Saturday, October 1st.
Through FEARLESS™ Painting invitations, self-study journaling, some basic yoga goodness, and of course inspiring discussions in LISTENING TO OUR INNATE WISDOM we will become fully aware of how our innate wisdom (a.k.a. “intuition” or a.k.a. “inner voice” or a.k.a. “truth”) communicates with us on a regular basis ANNND-even better… how we can utilize it’s guidance more effectively and FEARLESSly in our creativity as well as our everyday lives.
This stuff is GOLD baby! Gold!
I also want to add that all course material is a DIRECT result of my own personal devotion to, exploration and experience of, as well as research on innate wisdom/intuition. I will be intimately sharing my own experiences and heart work with you and doing some major FEARLESS™ Painting along with it! (Who knows what could happen, right!)
What & When is the Next Inner Breath Intensive?
Ok, I don’t want to jump too far ahead–remember: FEARLESS™ Painting is all about staying in the present moment!! BUT-the BIG PLAN is to offer more Inner Breath Intensives regularly starting early 2012. This first one is more of an appetizer, I guess you could say! A tasty, fill-you-up, no-more-room-for-dinner kind of appetizer!
Though here are a few of the topics we will be covering starting in 2012:
How Much Is The Investment?
First, Inner Breath is a 4 week intensive online workshop! So during Sunday, September 4th through Saturday, October 2nd–to fully reap the juicy benefits of LISTENING TO YOUR INNATE WISDOM be sure you have a chunk of time dedicated to FEARLESS™ Painting, journaling, and diving into the material–including soaking in a bit of the goodness of others and meeting every Wednesday for approximately an hour for chat/teleconference! (If you can’t make it–don’t worry–I’ll record it for you!)
Now for financial investment….
Inner Breath ::
Listening To Our Innate Wisdom Intensive
(Long distance phone charges for the two teleconferences may apply.)
Inner Breath ::
Listening To Our Innate Wisdom Intensive (PAYMENT PLAN)
Inner Breath has a payment plan to make it easier for you to register! Your first payment of $37.50 is due now to secure your space in Inner Breath and your last and final payment of $37.50 is due by Friday, September 2nd. An invoice will be sent to your email address one week before the due date. (Long distance phone charges for the two teleconferences may apply.)
What Supplies Are Required?
- Large vellum bristol. The vellum bristol I use is 23″ x 35″ and I purchase it through Kelly Paper pretty dang cheap! If you are struggling finding large vellum bristol–poster board will work perfectly as well but could be a bit pricey. For the Inner Breath Intensive you will need approximately 5 pieces.
- Large Mixed Media/ Watercolor Sketchbook (18″ x 24″). INSTEAD of Vellum Bristol or poster board you can invest in a large FEARLESS™ Painting Sketchbook that I use in my free Total Alignment workshop. HERE‘s what I’m talking about! And–if you are using a FEARLESS™ Painting Sketchbook I would suggest purchasing an easel to go along with it. Be sure to check out the introduction video on Total Alignment to see what I mean!
- Tempera/ Acrylic/ Craft Paints. I highly encourage my FEARLESS™ Painters to use cheaper paints so they won’t feel “guilty” when you start busting out some junky junk! The cheapest paints that work decent are Tempera paints (also known as poster paints or kid paints). Tempera paints are cheap and come in lots of fun colors. If you wish to pump up your FEARLESS™ Painting Practice just a bit more–than I highly suggest purchasing Liquitex Basics and those little bottles of Craft Paints. Simply grab the primary and secondary colors of course, plus white and black–and any other colors that call your soul.
- Paint Brushes. Since we’re painting bigger–you will need bigger brushes! THESE BABIES are my absolute favorite brushes–but they are a tad pricey. I do recommend purchasing a medium to more expensive brush–it will save you the frustration in the end. Long handles or short is totally up to you. Pick up the brush and air paint before you purchase it–see if it feels good to you–that’s the best way to decide!
- Journal. I would like to encourage you in keeping a special written journal for your Inner Breath Intensives. It can be something as simple as a spiral notebook to a fancy wancy somethin somethin!
Do I Need To Take BIG First To Participate in Inner Breath?
Nope! You do NOT need to take any of my FEARLESS™ Painting Adventures to participate fully and successfully in Inner Breath–but I will insist that you acquaint yourself with FEARLESS™ Painting before diving right in. A great way to do this would be to check out the FEARLESS™ Painting page HERE on Dirty Footprints Studio, my free Total Alignment workshop HERE, and the many FEARLESS™ Painting videos I have on my Kitchen Of The Soul YouTube channel HERE.
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